Tribute to Grandma on her 90th birthday

Today is my Grandma’s 90th birthday. She is really special to me as you’ll see through these images from the past several years. Her home which is very much full of her heart, has always been a place of comfort and refuge to me.

These first few were taken in February of 2014 while we had a girl’s afternoon

A couple portraits I took of her, also in February of 2014. I have many memories of Grandma standing at those doors waving goodbye.

August 2015. I’ve always loved the yummy fruit from her trees and vines. Those grapes are divine. My baby was terrified of her haha

Oct 2016. I started doing a “portrait of her home” so there are some of those details included here. Love her garden sooo much

March 2017, lovely visit with my parents too

Feb 2017. Meeting our second baby girl for the first time

October 2020, portraits taken for her 90th birthday

I have loved going through these photos and memories. So grateful I have these and that my children have gotten to meet this special woman.

One of my favorite things about my grandma is her faith in God. She has definitely strengthened mine. Here is a remarkable little story about that. When I was a teenager, I had terrible eyesight (still do!). I wore hard contact lenses–the kind you can wear for years on end and are a little expensive because they’re meant to last so long. Do they still have those? Anyway, one summer day we were having a family party at the park and while playing volleyball with my sibs, one of my contacts fell out. We all got on the ground and searched but couldn’t find it. I figured one of us probably stepped on it and broke it. My dad wasn’t too happy about buying new ones, and being the fragile teen that I was at that time, I was pretty upset. Well, my grandma knew this and being the sweet, thoughtful, woman of faith that she was, she went back to the park the next day, determined to find my contact lens. In that large highly trafficked park, she went to the area where we had been playing volleyball, knelt down in prayer letting God know how important this was to me and asked to be able to find my contact. The second she finished, she set her hand down in the grass and there was my contact lens, resting in the grass, completely whole. When she brought it over, we all were so shocked. So grateful for her faith and what this experience has taught me over the years. So grateful for Grandma.

2 Replies to “Tribute to Grandma on her 90th birthday”

  1. Sheri Libutti

    This is priceless, Kristi! So sensitive, artistic and beautiful, made even sweeter by the deep love you have for her! A true treasure!

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